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Comparison 1: Hakimi-Asiabar's SOM-Based Multi-Objective GA (SBMOGA) based on SOM learning quali
Summary of the method Hakimi-Asiabar, M._2009_Multi-objective genetic local search algorithm using Kohonens neural map (pdf) Mentioned...
Reading Room: Swarms
Papers: Delanda M_Leach N_The Limits of Urban Simulation_interview (pdf) Leach N_Swarm Urbanism (pdf) Miranda P_2000_Swarm...
Reading Room: Genetic Algorithms/Genetic Programming
Genetic Algorithms Genetic Algorithms and Self-Organising Maps Genetic Algorithms and Co-Evolution Genetic Programming
symb(i/o)tika: Machine Learning
symb(i/o)tika: Machine Learning: "... if we move in the direction of making machines which learn and whose behavior is modified by...
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